Happy 15 months Braeden! This has been a monumental stage for Braeden. Over the last week, he has started to do so much more. The biggest achievement is WALKING!! It's official...Braeden is a walker. He is walking all over the house and taking risks walking and climbing other places too! We are so so proud of our little man. He is so excited every time he walks and gets to a spot without falling. Yay Braeden!!
Another cool achievement is putting legos together and pulling them apart. I am not talking about the big legos; the duplos (age 2-5) are what he is playing with and doing amazing!!
He can also stack blocks, put them in small containers, shoot baskets, throw a ball and catch or get it when it comes to him.
He is doing a great job at pointing and communicating with us now. We can understand so much more of what he is needing and wanting. Braeden is not a shy little man at all. He is so full of energy and fun to be around.
During his 15 month appointment we found out that he is in the 5th percentile for height and weight. He is now 20 lbs. Wahoo!!
Oh yeah.....Braeden is such a fabulous eater these days.....he loves green veggies, all kinds of fruits, M &M's are a proven favorite, animal crackers, and spicy, seasoned foods, and Mexican!! When we go out to eat he is the happiest little baby in restaurants. People always come up to us and tell us how good he is and how entertaining he is for everyone!
Grammy, Papa and Aunt Jackie enjoyed our Valentine's weekend visit with Braeden, his mommy and daddy. Wow, he takes after his daddy, the way he gobbled up chips and salsa, and couldn't wait for more. He takes after his mommy with his smiles and laughter. Such a smart little guy, the way he figured out how to pull apart his new Duplos and put them back together again! He loves his basketball hoop and shooting baskets just like his daddy! Of course, he talks up a storm and struck claim to the entire large floor territory in the frozen yogurt place, he made himself "King of the Castle" there!