Braeden's Birthday Countdown!!

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Thursday, August 5, 2010

9 months old!!

Yesterday, Braeden went to see his pediatrician, Dr. Zomer, for his 9 month check up. He is so proud of all the progress he is making. They pricked his finger (which he didn't like at all) to check his iron levels. His iron is fantastic, so no worries there! He thinks that Braeden is healthy growing boy! What a great appointment!
Weight: 17 lbs 5 oz      10%    
Height: 27 1/4 in          25%
Head: 41 1/2 cm   btwn 5-10%  

He is also pushing up to sit by himself, rolling all over the floor, beginning to crawl, pulling up on things, and BABBLING a lot!! We think he is saying mama and dada now! Hopefully I can catch it on tape for everyone to hear!


  1. Just checked this out for the first time! SO good to hear more good news about your little man! You know a lot of his progress is because you are an awesome MOM!!
